Regardless of what you sell, the truth is that the better you know your clients, and the better they know you, the bigger are your chances for increasing sales of your product.
If you were to suggest a marketing instrument for building excellent relations with your clients, you would surely choose trade fairs-the most direct marketing instrument that has ever been devised!
Trade fairs of the 21st century - the age of globalisation - are instruments of direct marketing used to enhance communication within the market and to increase sales. Direct marketing is what your company's growth depends on.
Direct contact with the client is the essence of modern business. A trade fair provides a unique opportunity to establish direct contact; it is the place for face-to-face meetings and for building trust and confidence.
The client has as much to say about a product as one who sells it. The fair provides an opportunity for dialogue.
New clients - at fairs you will establish contacts with top decision-makers in your branch of industry. Trade fairs draw visitors, media, representatives of science and politics. Nowhere else will you find as many potential clients gathered at one time and one place.
Present clients - at fairs you will renew contacts with your clients with whom you are normally limited to conversations over the phone or communication through e-mail.
Old clients - at fairs you can renew contacts with old clients and you will find the opportunity to convince them about your business potential, which might result in re-establishing co-operation with them.