F&H – Fishing and Hunting

We love and respect sports – even if my grandson said: “I prefer watch soccer on TV, it is not as tiresome as playing it.”
Fishing and Hunting Trade Fairs are becoming very popular. One may say, because we love to be outdoors. Or we can say that Fishing & Hunting are great sports – but ask the rabbit!
F&H trade fairs are often held together and though being patient is common requirement, yet I noticed major differences among the typical visitors. Anglers are more reserved - fishing is a lone fight – just me and the fish – while hunting needs an accord of team. A joint, common experience for hunters – at fairs they are jolly, loud, noisy – and happy together.
Therefore one can feel somewhat different atmosphere at the different areas of the booths if a joint fair is held. Hunters are ready to go a long way (to the fairs) to be together – while fishing fairs are much more often brought closer georaphically to the anglers – sometimes they are cloned and/or re-branded.
Did you see the latest ones? Season is just coming for that!
Károly Nagy
A couple of years ago I was at may if public fairs will have anything to do with traditional trade fair industry. We are exposed – and extremely so is the Y generation – to changing/new sales and marketing patterns, globalization of consumerism, and mostly, to digital world. Now I see it was a doomed vision: and surprisingly the digital world helps us a lot to restore the confidence that live events (or whatever we call today’s face-to-face) are much more attractive to the Y generation than I ever expected. Consider the growing success of GamesCon, and respectively Game Arena, Pyrkon, Majáles, PlayIT, GAMEon, Drone and Robotics etc - also in Central Europe.
Recently CENTREX Union held a communication seminar where one of the focused topics was Content.
Of course, the 5Ws were also emphasized: and it starts with What.