Press release
New chairman at CENTREX UNION
- Written by Károly Nagy
26th May, 2020

Mr. Valerii Pekar is a long-time exhibition industry professional, president and co-owner of EUROINDEX Ltd. Kiev and KiyvExpoPlaza, he is member of UFI’s Board of Directors. His company is a major B2B fair organiser of Ukraine, which joined CENTREX in 2001.
Valerii Pekar is a co-founder of the Nova Kraina Civic Platform, a lecturer at the Kyiv-Mohyla Business School, a futurologist and a former member of the National Reform Council. He curates a blog titled Ukraine: The European frontier.

Trade Fairs Brno want to start the interrupted season in September
- Written by Károly Nagy
"I am hoping the situation in the Czech Republic and Europe in general will calm down in the coming months and we can start the trade fair season from the end of August. We have adjusted the preparation schedule for the MSV, our most important show, so that companies have greater certainty about the feasibility of the fair happening. We are intervening with the Czech government as much as we can ", says Jiří Kuliš, CEO, about the current situation of the Brno Trade Fair Co.
Central European Exhibition Statistics Yearbook 2019
- Written by Károly Nagy
(for more info please visit Press Release)
Trade fairs need a clear timetable
- Written by Károly Nagy
Press release, 13 May 2020
The trade fair industry expects from the government a clear prospect of restarting trade fairs, which mirror the economic situation. However, under the influence of the coronovirus crisis and government restrictions, the situation is not good at all. Trade fairs are a business platform that will be important for restarting the economy by presenting innovations, new technologies and products and for new orders.
CENTREX exhibition statistics yearbook 2019 already available
- Written by Károly Nagy
7th May, 2019
The yearbook contains audited exhibition statistics of 253 trade fairs and for-public exhibitions in the region – summing up the successful year’s most important events with over 2,2 million visitors, presenting over 37 thousand exhibitors’ products and services on 1,4 million sqm exhibition space by 19 trade fair organisers in 5 countries throughout the region.
CENTREX’s major partner in this operation continues to be the Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry – with their strive to enhance industry transparency, and acquiring track records to strengthen exhibition industry’s economic and social acceptance. The PCEI section of our CENTREX yearbook contains its members’ 142 exhibitions audited data from 16 cities and 11 organiser members from Gdansk to Lublin.
As a recurring experience to accommodate guest partners CENTREX 2019 has been commissioned also in to accomplish audit the AMBERIF trade fair – another UFI Approved International Event. With this fair CENTREX has confirmed nearly 50 UFI approved events’ statistics transparency compliance.

21st annual Central European Exhibition Statistics Yearbook 2018
- Written by Károly Nagy
CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union, the Central European exhibition statistics, transparency and industry promotion organisation has recently published its 21st annual Central European Exhibition Statistics Yearbook 2018.
(for more info please visit Press Release)
CENTREX exhibition statistics yearbook 2018 already available
- Written by Károly Nagy
7th May, 2019
CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union, the Central European exhibition statistics, transparency and industry promotion organisation has recently published its 21st annual Central European Exhibition Statistics Yearbook 2018.
The yearbook contains audited exhibition statistics of 273 trade fairs and for-public exhibitions in the region – summing up the successful year’s most important events with over 2,6 million visitors, presenting over 40 thousand exhibitors’ products and services on 1,6 million sqm exhibition space by 24 trade fair organisers in 6 countries throughout the region.
CENTREX’s major partner in this operation continues to be the Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry – with their strive to enhance industry transparency, and acquiring track records to strengthen exhibition industry’s economic and social acceptance. The PCEI section of our CENTREX yearbook contains its members’ 142 exhibitions audited data from 13 cities and 11 organiser members from Gdansk to Lublin.
As a recurring experience to accommodate guest partners CENTREX 2018 has been commissioned also in to accomplish audit the China Home Life Warsaw trade fair – another UFI Approved International Event. With this fair the CENTREX has confirmed 56 UFI approved events’ statistics transparency compliance.
CENTREX’s standards are fully complying with those of UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. Yet, additionally, CENTREX’s Yearbook also expands into considering ‘total attendance’ as becoming a more precise indicator assessing the visitors’ value. We experienced that much of exhibitor staff and conference speakers are high quality visitors as well, therefore CENTREX’s Attendance figure includes these persons, as well.
The yearbook will be freely downloadable soon at: and the data will be later also included into the UFI Euro Fair Statistics Yearbook.
From the beginnings CENTREX in not only auditing/publishing company of trade fairs but dedicated, committed, enthusiastic promoter, initiator, pioneering union.
We invite you to follow our activity also on and facebook/@centrexunion.
CENTREX was founded in 1997 at the initiative of the market leader exhibition organisers in Central Eastern Europe. From 1999 the Union is a member of UFI (The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry). CENTREX efforts are aimed at transparent, measurable, internationally acceptable, comparable, audited exhibition statistics, to promote these data and collaboration internationally, and to publish their data open wide in their annual publication and at their website.
In 2018 CENTREX Union has 12 leading members in 6 countries of the region – as core companies of collaboration in CEE.
New Chairman in CENTREX Union
- Written by Károly Nagy
CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union has held its General Assembly Meeting in exciting city of Lviv, Ukraine. (Lviv was one of the signatories of founding UFI in 1925.) Reviewing past year CENTREX – beyond the impressive 2017 statistics figures ( – CENTREX members gave account of the positive trends of the exhibition industry in Central Europe, a recurrent demand of fairs in Ukraine, approved growing internationalisation of the Union (concluding further cooperation agreements), exchanged experience of preparations for the coming Global Exhibition Day.
(for more info please visit Press Release)