
CENTREX Union is the Club of CENTREX member exhibition organisers who, organise FAIR fairs which means: 

  the members are determined to

  • offer reliable, transparent, comparable, certified exhibition statistics data (media value indicators) on international standards
  • cooperate with each other in many ways e.g. CSR
  • develop joint actions, joint stands and common voice in industry matters.

Most of our members are at the same time members of UFI, they are deeply committed to and believe in the trade fairs as the highly efficient face-to-face marketing communication tool.

Our members are industry innovators, pioneering in the trade fair industry

             for 20 years now!

As individuals, many among our top executives personally believe in supporting social progress, are community leaders, united for common good – e.g. many of them are Rotarians.

Trainings for exhibition organisers Tranings for exhibitors

Preparations of small and medium scale companies for

Better trade fair participation

  1. Marketing basics – clarification of marketing essentials (half an hour)
    • What is marketing nowadays?
    • Why do we need marketing?
    • Implications of a marketing plan and budget for the company
  2. Basic features of the trade fairs and exhibitions within marketing mix, its correlation to company management, complexity advantages (1 hour)
    • Why and when to choose exhibitions/trade fairs as marketing and communication tools (selection and decision taking criteria, types of events)?
  3. Decision taking – and its repercussions for the company (half an hour)
  4. Planning, organising and implementing tasks (4-5 hours)
    1. Before the show
      • to decide the target /strategy of participation (and relevant product selection)
        • new products
        • existing products
        • focus points
      • Elaboration of Budget – knowledge of cost factors
      • Approvals
      • Deadlines and elaboration of implementation and time plan
      • PR, advertising and press activity planning (previous campaigns, messages, invitations and contact management, acquisition campaign before the show, publicity during the show, information materials, stand inscriptions etc.)
    2. During the trade fair
      • On the spot organisation, implementation tasks
      • Launching the participation
      • Organisation of stand management, staffing, staff preparation and management
      • Stand supplies
      • Stand visitor management
      • Business contacts/negotiation management
      • Trade fair overview, competition research
      • Participation at simultaneously ongoing events (conferences, workshops)
      • Press relation management, press conference
      • Etc.        
    3. After the show
      • Follow-up – segmentation, feedback and reaction requirements, re-affirming trade fair contacts, management of business relations
      • Evaluation of participation – comparing results with initial targets
        • summing up contacts, business evaluation
        • evaluation of cost-benefit contexts
  5. Multimedia presentation (30 minutes)

2nd day:

  1. Situation games - small group work   (3-4 hours)
  2. Practical hints by an experienced SME exhibitor (half an hour)
  3. Available supporting mechanisms (half an hour)
    • at foreign participation
    • at domestic participation
  4. Questions, summing up, handing out of tutorials (one hour) 

The first day went from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., the second day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Experience tells us that the number of participants of a seminar is best between 15 and 20.

CENTREX Union has gained experience and is ready to offer Central East European companies, potential exhibitors comprehensive training, tutoring – mostly aimed at (but not limited to) - small and medium scale organisations, groups of interested individuals about how to participate at trade fairs.

We have organized 25 seminars/trainings – over 400 participants.


  • It is practically a management training: with special focus on trade fair participation but not only
  • this means we emphasize that trade fair are embedded into whole sales and marketing processes and trade fairs participation decisions and their implementations cannot be separated from overall company management
  • this also means we target CEOs and commercial/business management also - not only marketing (and exhibition) executives
  • not lectures but real training focused on practice – experienced trainers plus special forum given to experienced SMEs to tell key elements of their practical successes/failures
  • special tutorials: workbook, checklists, multimedia
  • simulation games in small group work – 3-4 groups each 3-5 people, different tasks, presentation, discussion on their results
  • Special focus each time on actual demands, localised
  • At locations – brought to places of SMEs
  • Cooperation partners are local – locally active fair organisers, local chambers and business development bodies, industry associations

The projects of 2-days seminars are based on

  • how to decide whether to use trade fairs,
  • how to select the right one,
  • how to manage the preparations,
  • how to run the participation,
  • how to implement follow-up and
  • how to measure the return on investment of attending the trade fairs.

As each training is individualised so interested parties can inquire at .

For detailed thematic plan please click here

CENTREX Union has great experience to organise trainings/coaching for exhibition organisers or for those who are interested in developing into exhibition organisation activities. 

It is targeted to companies and self-employed persons as well.

The trainers of this interactive trainings/couching are internationally acknowledged exhibition industry experts.

Specific thematic of the programme: especially service marketing and PR
  • 1 day training
  • 2 days training
  • or couching at partners’ demand
  • on location of the exhibition organiser
  • CENTREX headquarter, Hungary, Budapest
  • special venue linked with an incentive team-building training, corporate event of the partner
  • 1 day training in Budapest               500 EUR/course
  • 2 days training in Budapest              800 EUR/course
(in case of outsourced trainings travel and accommodation cost are added)
Certification: Exhibition organiser certifications

Training Contact Form

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Procedure and conditions

The practical steps of the preparing of audits:

The practical steps of the preparing of application for audited exhibition statistics is a multiphased (but not too complicated) process, as below:

  1. Full determination inside your company to implement the CENTREX Statistics and Audit Rules and Regulation. (See Auditing Rules at our website)
  2. Preliminary processing of exhibition statistics according to these Regulation of CENTREX
  3. Co-operate with the auditor company who will audit your statistics actually (e.g. CENTREX).
  4. Auditing of the event(s) by the auditor company
  5. Conception and implementing the relevant forms, documents (exhibitor application, registration forms etc. - if there is a need for change in the future. CENTREX is ready to consult in this respect.
In case of willing to became a CENTREX member – over and above the previously mentioned steps – please send an official letter to CENTREX that you are ready to fully implement the regulations, the auditing and the publishing of the relevant data - and to pay the contribution fee for CENTREX operations.

Legal process of becoming a member

The legal steps of joining (at least 2-3 months prior of admission):

The would-be member has to send an Official Declaration of Intention of Joining CENTREX Union with
  • The main data of your company (as official full name, seat address, company registration details),
  • A certificate of company registration - an extract from the Company Registration Court in original
  • Declaring that your company fully accepts CENTREX objectives and implement the Regulations
  • And that your company agreed and fulfill the financial conditions of joining and membership (see point Articles of Association)
Please consider that actual membership will be subject to approval by CENTREX General Assembly.

From our practical experience we know that sometimes it is not very easy and simple to elaborate, introduce and explain the use of the commonly defined categories in the practice.

Therefore CENTREX is ready to offer the applying companies to accomplish on-the-spot consultations (how to start it the best, how to save time and money concerning auditing).

Should you have any question please do not hesitate to Contact us

First round experiences with international student competition on "The Vision of Exhibitions until 2020" in Central Europe

CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union has launched an international Call for Papers among university/college students to tap their ideas, visions, assessment of trade fairs' future. The first experiences have shown significant signals to trade fair industry specialists and to university lecturers alike.

"Each of us may become the catalyst which starts the changes in the global awareness on our planet and may help to change the face of the world. Our work presents the vision of exhibitions in 2020 but it also contains our vision of the world, in which people reach the higher level of awareness and live in harmony" - adds Leszek Urbanowicz, member of the winning team…

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