Who we are?
- Written by Greg Nagy
CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union founded in 1997 is the top exhibition industry transparency organisation in Central Eastern Europe: yet not only for promoting transparency, reliability and real market-value of exhibition statistics (her initial concept), but also in promoting exhibitions as excellent face-to-face marketing tool in general aspect in this region.
CENTREX UNION Mission Statement
- to establish, implement and maintain transparent exhibition statistics rules and regulations in Central and East Europe according to international standards
to maintain transparency of trade fair statistics in CEE providing statistics auditing services for members and non-members
to publish, disseminate transparent, audited exhibition statistics internationally
to provide members and their partners a pool of international promotional information /materials/researches/knowhow/events and consultation opportunities on trade fairs as effective tool of marketing and communication
to assist/offer trade fair marketing education by members and partners in cooperation with marketing specialists, the university lecturers
to provide EU-regional platform/events of co-operation and exchanging ideas and experiences for the CEE exhibition market players,
to represent interests of members in international forums/associations
The members of CENTREX strive for transparent, measurable, internationally acceptable, comparable, audited exhibition statistics, to promote these data and collaboration internationally, and to publish their data open wide in their annual publication and at their Internet site.
Transparent exhibition statistics is badly needed for right business and marketing decisions for exhibitors, visitors, trade associations alike. So over collecting and publishing statistical data CENTREX has upgraded her activity into joint promotion of the trade fairs as effective tool of face-to-face marketing communication. ("social instrument of marketing")
Based on similar challenges the members decided to identify opportunities and join efforts in competing with other marketing tools, to strengthen the acceptance of the trade fairs based on real market values. Possible ways can be informing each other of the best practice, of the market surveys and opinions, developing joint publications, marketing actions, upgrading web-site accordingly.
The Union is deeply committed to enhancing the acceptance of exhibitions among business community and society in the region.
CENTREX’s Pioneering Experiences
- Written by Greg Nagy

Joint approach/regulation on statistics and audit | Global 1st | |
Central East European Exhibition Forum | EU-regional 1st | |
Joint visitor research | Global 1st | |
Forum for educational institutions (joint forum for university lecturers & fair specialists) |
Global 1st | |
Forum on use of research results (joint forum for researchers & fair specialists) |
Global 1st | |
Competition for students on vision of trade fairs | Global 1st | |
Re-considering what international is in XXI century | Global innovative | |
Project „Visions of Trade Fairs 2020” | Global 1st | |
VIP card cooperation | Global 1st |
Audit Service
- Written by Greg Nagy
Exhibition statistics audit services at CENTREX
CENTREX has since inception been involved in formulating special audit services (certification) for exhibition statistics.
This means that CENTREX has not only been concepting the internationally workable solution of statistics for trade fairs in Central East Europe but also set standards for auditing of the statistics. (This is expressed in the continuously updated Exhibition Statistics and Auditing Rules and Regulations)
CENTREX is also a major participant of UFI’s efforts to establish an effective international exhibition statistics and auditing methodology and implementation.
The major data being audited are:
- number and specifics of the visitors,
- size (space) the trade fair occupies and
- number and origin of the exhibitors.
CENTREX is listed at UFI as one of the eligible audit service company to certify eligibility of any UFI Approved Event (UAE). So any trade fair organizer who already has or intends to have UFI Approved Event may use CENTREX auditing services for eligibility certificates.
CENTREX is providing audit services not only for its members but beyond: many partners in CEE decided to avail with the statistics audit / consultation. (in 2015 altogether 287 fairs’ statistics had been audited by CENTREX)
The usual audit procedures are based on prior visit/acquaintance of the current exhibition statistics procedures/documents – an on-the-spot inspection of the conditions e.g. on visitor entry systems as well. And during the course of audit the CENTREX auditor usually pays an unannounced visit to the on-going trade fair to get an impact on the working of the systems in place.
The audit costs are based on expected time requirement of the audit process (hourly fee) – plus the eventual costs of implementing the audit service visit. This ends up in a very competitive fare.
Articles Of Association
- Written by Greg Nagy
The undersigned Contracting Parties on November 27, 1997 established a
under the terms and conditions of the present Articles of Association, for the purpose of promoting the profitability of their own business activities, co-ordinating their activities in the field of exhibition statistics, introducing a high-level and comprehensive Regulation of Exhibition Statistics, securing its international acceptance, interpretation, authentication and further development, and fulfilling the duties of related information providing and safeguarding of professional interests, having registered in the Company Registration under company number 01-07-090212.
The Articles of Association has been compiled by the legal representative in a merged text with the resolutions taken at the General Assembly on May 17. 2022, based on the Civil Code as below:
CENTREX Nemzetközi Kiállításstatisztikai Egyesülés
Keyword used for abbreviating the name: CENTREX Union
Name of the Union in English: CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union
1101 Budapest, Albertirsai út 10.
………………….. (for members see the actual web page)
Duties of the Union:
- within the sphere of safeguarding the professional interests:
- maintenance, operation and further development of joint exhibition statistics
- regulation and promoting of its international acceptance
- in the interest of promoting the business activities of the members:
- utilisation and transferring to other organisations of the experience and practice of exhibition statistics
According to TEÁOR 08 (Standard Sectoral Classification System of Economic Activities)
94. 11 - Safeguarding of interest of entrepreneurs, employers (main activity)
94. 12 - Safeguarding of professional interests
70. 22 - Business management consulting
82. 99 - Services promoting economic activities not included elsewhere
The members of the Union declare that they accept the Standard Exhibition Statistics Regulation indicated among the objectives, and will observe it in their own internal operation.
II./ 1.
The Union is an organisation of non-profit nature, that is, the company shall use the profit remaining from the revenues gained in the course of its servicing and business activities for its own development, and shall not distribute it among the members.
To cover operating costs of the Union each member has to pay as annual contribution at least the sum of EUR 1,400 - 3,500. Members’ voting rights are attributed according to this amount as stipulated in Point IV./4.
Their annual contribution is being paid up for the Union in the first quarter of the relevant year.
The members shall divide the cost cover of non-planned (non-budgeted) activities among each other in accordance with the relevant resolution of the General Assembly.
The Union shall submit the settlement of operational costs to the General Assembly for approval.
The member who fails to meet any of its payment obligations by the deadline shall pay the Union an annual interest of 20% due for the period of the actual delay in payment.
If the member fails to fulfil its payment obligation despite a written notice by the deadline indicated therein, the General Assembly shall exclude the member from the Union.
The Union has been established for an indefinite period of time, and shall commence its activities on the date of signing of the present Articles of Association.
Those who acted on behalf of the Union prior to its entry in the companies register shall assume unlimited, joint and several liability for the obligations undertaken in the name of the Union.
The General Assembly is the supreme management body of the Union vested with the right of decision-making. The General Assembly consists of the director-general of each member. In the case of their absence, the members may also be represented by another person on the basis of a written power of attorney.
The competence of the General Assembly shall particularly include the making of decisions on the following issues:
- establishing the internal organisation of the union, as well as its order of management and control (General Rules of Operation);
- determining the strategy for the activity of co-ordination and safeguarding of professional interests, and of the servicing and business activity;
- approving the balance-sheet of the association;
- distributing the profits generated by servicing and business activity;
- adopting resolutions that define the duties to be performed within the business of each member; (I. 5.)
- approving contracts concluded on behalf of the union prior to registration at the court of registration;
- resolving to terminate, transform, consolidate with another economic association, merge or demerge the union;
- admitting new members;
- electing and removing the executive director, and exercising employer’s rights in respect of the executive director;
- electing the Chairman of the Union (for the term as per General Rules of Operation)
- amending the Articles of Association;
- initiating exclusion of members;
- appointing the auditors of the Union;
- approving the annual budget;
- decision on amending the Standard Exhibition Statistics Regulation; (I. 5.)
- decision on all issues referred by the articles of association to the competence of the Board of Directors.
IV./ 2. The General Assembly shall make its decisions by at least a 51% proportion of the votes in attendance.
As a difference to above unanimous decision of the Members is required to change the scope of activity, the proportion of the voting rights of the Members, or the conditions of decision-making.
At least ¾ of quorum is required to decide on termination of Union without legal successor, transformation, merger, separation, and joining of new members, to initiation of exclusion of any Member.
IV./ 3. The General Assembly has quorum if members representing at least 3/4 of the votes attend the meeting.
Each member – having paid the annual contribution - is entitled to 1 vote which number grows by one more vote after each €700 additional annual contribution. But neither of the members may alone reach voting rights above 50 per cent.
The vote of the Director shall decide in case of a tie.
IV./5. The General Assembly shall be convened as required, but at least on 1 occasion annually. Any member may request the convening of the meetings of the General Assembly stating the reason and purpose thereof. If the director fails to comply with such a request within 30 days, the member itself may convene the meeting of the General Assembly.
The General Assembly may only adopt a resolution on issues indicated in the invitation sent with regard to the meeting, unless the members unanimously agree to the discussion of an issue not indicated in the invitation.
Members also communicate with each other and with the Executive Director by e-mail; their legal declarations and votes made this way shall be deemed valid.
Without holding a physical general assembly, members may decide by written vote on matters within the competence of the general assembly.
A draft resolution passed without a physical meeting of the members shall be communicated in writing to the members, who may send their vote in writing to the director within seven days.
The provisions of this articles of association regarding the calculation and exercise of the voting rights of the members and the proportion of votes required for the adoption of the draft resolution shall also apply to the decision-making process without holding a physical general assembly.
In the case of decision-making without a physical general assembly, the resolution shall be deemed to have been taken on the day following the last day of the voting deadline. The Executive Director shall inform members in writing of the outcome of the vote within five days of the decision.
The members' meeting / General Assembly can also be held using electronic means of communication (conference meeting). The participants of the general assembly, the decisions made at the general assembly, the recorded decisions shall be recorded in the Minutes, which shall be signed by the director and two attestors.
The executive director of the Union from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2024
Károly Nagy
The above named accept the appointment as executive director in accordance with the attached Declaration.
The executive director shall direct and manage the activities of the Union according Civil Code and within the framework of the present Articles of Association and the resolutions of the General Assembly.
His scope of duties shall include in particular:
- execution of the resolutions adopted by the General Assembly,
- representation of the Union before authorities and third parties, as well as
- management and organisation of the daily operative work of the Union between its meetings.
The corporate signature shall be effected in such a way that the Executive Director writes her name alone, independently, free of any and all restrictions, in his own name under the pre-written, pre-printed or printed corporate name of the Union in accordance with the specimen signature constituting an appendix to the present Articles of Association.
Correspondence among the members of the Union shall be carried out in English. The official documents of the company shall be prepared in Hungarian and any other language versions shall be defined in the General Rules of Operation.
Documents prepared in Hungarian shall govern in the case of any dispute.
The Contracting Parties agree that any other legal entity may join the Union, if it accepts and introduces at its Company the Standard Exhibition Statistics Regulation and the present Articles of Association.
New members pay minimum €600 admission contribution at the admission.
Joining members also pay the annual contribution of the relevant year as per Point II./6. within one month of signing Articles of Association.
Members are entitled to leave the Union with minimum 3 months notice on the basis of a declaration of intent reported in writing to the General Assembly. Leaving the union shall not affect the rights and obligations obtained prior to leaving the Union and may not violate the lawful interests of any other members.
The General Assembly may initiate the exclusion of the member who fails to observe the provisions of Civil Code, the present Articles of Association and the Standard Exhibition Statistics Regulation accepted by the General Assembly in the course of the operation of its own firm, and if it withdraws itself from the obligation of supplementary cost bearing, as defined by the General Assembly, for at least 1 year, fails to meet its obligation despite the written notice of the General Assembly, infringes its obligations, or if its participation in the Union otherwise seriously violates the interests of the Union.
The case of exclusion must be implemented according to the stipulations of the Civil Code.
The members shall assume unlimited, joint and several liabilities for the debts of the Union. The member who left the Union or the excluded member shall be liable for 5 years for the debts burdening the Union, which were incurred prior to the termination of its membership.
The members of the General Assembly shall be entitled to have access to the books and other documents of the Union and to request information from the Executive Director personally or through their proxies.
The Union shall be terminated in the cases defined in the Civil Code. In the case of its termination without a legal successor, through final accounting, the property remaining after the settlement of debts shall be divided in equal proportion among the members.
The formation of the present Union as well as changes stipulated by the law shall be reported by the Executive Director to the Court of Registration competent at the head office of the company, for the purpose of registration and publication.
The provisions of Civil Code and other valid Hungarian Acts and legal provisions shall apply to the issues not regulated in the present Articles of Association.
Last updated: May 17, 2022
Members Area
- Written by Greg Nagy
As a new stage in developing 'e-CENTREX' our Members' Area now facilitates remote access to different CENTREX documents, Board meeting minutes, presentations made at non-public CENTREX meetings.
(Public meeting documents, presentations, or materials collected from open sources are posted under our openly accessible Exhibition Knowledge Center web pages.)
A high quantity of exhibition know-how hints has arrived (and arrives) to CENTREX and it was decided to make them common knowledge among each other. At these Members' Area pages we put up links to certain marketing materials and establish access to tips and tricks in organising as well participating at trade fairs. As we see it many of them can be of benefit to organisers and another lot can be very well used to educate exhibitors (and visitors) how to best use trade fairs as marketing tool.
Members' Login
Exhibition Statistics & Auditing Rules
- Written by Greg Nagy
CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union
(last amended on November 22, 2021)
In order to ensure the availability of internationally acknowledgeable and transparent exhibition data (mostly to meet UFI standards) the CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union members have updated their earlier Exhibition Statistics Auditing Rules and apply this as Unified Regulation by the afore mentioned companies in their exhibition activity.
Chapter I. refers to the physical trade fairs/exhibitions
Chapter II. refers to the trade fairs which are held as hybrid events (combination of physical and digital/on-line solutions)
Chapter III. refers to the trade fairs which are held as fully digital (on-line) trade fairs
Chapter I.
Definitions and procedures
I./ 1. Quantitative visitor data
Number of visitors is calculated on evidence.
I./1.1. Paying visitors
Number of paying visitors is established through financial evidence:
- number of sold tickets (prepaid or on the spot)
- number of tickets/entry passes paid by the exhibitor or a third party
Visitors with season tickets are calculated as financially reasonable minimum number of use of the tickets (price of season ticket divided by the price of the respective single ticket).
Number of family tickets sold - whenever relevant - are calculated as 4 visitors.
I./1.2. Other identified visitors
Persons arriving with vouchers, registration cards or similar valid free passes, tickets can be counted as visitors only if evidence is available (e.g. serial numbered control slips or the registration cards).
Persons entering the exhibition with permanent passes (e.g. annual complimentary cards or VIP passes) can only be considered as visitors if evidence is provided for the visit (e.g. special registration slip).
I./1.3. Number of visits
In case of verifiable conditions repeat visits and consequently total number of visits may be calculated on evidence (e.g. serial numbered control slips or electronic entry system reports). Total number of visits is the sum of the total number of single visits and of the total number of repeat visits.
In case no verifiable conditions apply the total number of visitors and the total number of visits shall be the same.
I./1.4. Other
Persons visiting an exhibition/fair without evidence provided cannot be considered as visitors.
Person buying tickets or pre-registering e.g. through Internet but not entering the gates/visitor control system shall not be counted as visitors.
The exhibition organizer may establish statistics for total attendance at the exhibition/fair. The number of total attendance equals to the sum of total number of visitors, the number of persons entering with exhibitor passes, speakers, media representative.
Exhibitor passes issued can be considered as 1 attendee - irrespective whether they were issued free or sold. The organizer must provide evidence for the auditor about process of exhibitor pass system. Service staff member passes (e.g. host/hostess or stand service) are not considered.
I./ 3. Qualitative visitor data
I./3.1. Foreign visitors
Number of foreign visitors can be established either by direct evidence: tickets/passes sold/given out at special counters/gates for foreigners, filled in-registration cards with evidence of the foreign origin of the visitor or indirectly, through representative visitor surveys.
I./3.2. Trade visitors
Number/percentage of trade visitors can be obtained through processing of the registration cards or representative visitor surveys.
I./3.3. Other specific data
Other specific data on the quality of the visitors like age groups, decision-making capacity etc. can also be obtained through processing of the registration cards or representative visitor surveys.
I./ 4. Control of visitor data
Number of sold tickets are established on the basis of cash counter records of the organiser. Tickets should be issued with serial numbering.
Number of registration cards/vouchers is to be established through actual count and recorded in relevant documents.
Number of revisits is to be established through actual count of the control slips and other documents or on basis of relevant report from the electronic entry system.
Control of the qualitative figures should be performed through inspection of the evidences available - gate entry records, registration cards, visitor survey questionnaires and reports etc.
Financial records/cash box reports/relevant documents shall be subject to control by the auditor.
In case representative survey serves as base of qualitative data the auditor shall specify the method of it in its report.
II./1. Quantitative data
II./1.1. Number of exhibitors
Whoever rents an autonomous, separable and paid-up area unit (a stand) where people are employed exclusively by himself to offer goods and/or services in his own name for the entire duration of the exhibition/fair can be considered an Exhibitor - irrespective of the branch or product classification. The organiser of the exhibition issues an invoice on him.
Co-exhibitors at an exhibitor's stand - or participants at a collective stand a- re also considered as exhibitors for statistical purposes if they exhibit their own goods employing their own personnel on the exhibitor's stand or at a common stand organised by a collective stand organiser and their autonomy can be undoubtedly recognised even without physical separation. These companies are considered as exhibitors regardless that the invoice is being issued on the exhibitor or on a collective stand organiser. The nature of the participation and the identity of each exhibitor at the stand should be undoubtedly clear from the application form sent to the exhibition organiser.
A collective stand organiser itself should be considered as an exhibitor only if it is undoubtedly clear from the common stand plan that the collective stand organiser also disposes of an autonomous stand segment with at least one open side towards the visitors to carry out his own marketing activity.
When an exhibitor has more than one stand within an exhibition branch (product group) only counts as one exhibitor. In case it exhibits at more than one branch (product group) it can be counted according to the number of branches where it rents stands.
Service companies, authorities, associations, institutes, media companies who rent/contract exhibition space (stand) and they offer their services which are relevant to the theme of the exhibition are also considered as exhibitors.
A company who does not attend the exhibition (although it rented a stand) is not considered as exhibitor.
II./1.2. Transparency of the calculation
Further to exhibitors no other categories like sub-exhibitor, co-exhibitor, non-direct exhibitor, indirect exhibitor should be used in the statistical publications.
II./2. Nationality
II./2.1. Nationality of the exhibitor
Nationality of the exhibitor should be undoubtedly clear from the application form sent to the exhibition organiser. The nationality of the exhibitor is the country which is mentioned in the application form.
Nationality of a domestic multinational company shall be registered under “multinational” as a sub-category of domestic exhibitors.
II./2.2. Statistics on the exhibitors
The number of the exhibitors can be broken down into domestic and foreign exhibitors.
II./2.3. Multinationality
Within domestic exhibitors the number of exhibitors can separately counted as multinational exhibitors and non-multinational exhibitors as sub-categories. (see classification/definition in Section V. of the present Auditing Rules)
II./2.4. International exhibitors are considered as sum of foreign exhibitors and multinational exhibitors.
II./3. Control of the exhibitor data
Exhibitor data is to be controlled on the basis of application forms, contracts, agreements, invoices and relevant computer printouts. These documents shall give evidence to the qualitative figures as well.
The total number of participating countries can also be declared where the country of the organiser/location of the event is also included.
Other statistics on available qualitative data can also be made public (like trader or manufacturers or loyalty of the exhibitors) but they should be subject of control and verification (statistics audit) beyond the present Regulation.
III./ 1. Exhibition surface
Exhibition surface and stand data are given in square meters.
III./1.1. Total contracted space
Total contracted space is the total territory of exhibition stands rented/contracted by exhibitors (as invoiced to or rendered under agreement to the exhibitors) and which is occupied by the exhibitors for the entire duration of the exhibition.
III./1.2. Special show space
Special show space is an exhibition space (net sq. m.) where performances, shows, lectures, contests (e.g. stage) are held, if this activity relates/covers/promotes the theme of the exhibition, and which space is independent of any single exhibitor.
III./1.3. Total net exhibition space
Total net exhibition space includes the total contracted space (as per Point III./1.1.) and the total special show space (as per Point III./1.2.)
III./1.4.Special regulations
The contracted space of a collective (common) stand can be calculated in total (the rented space according to the invoice) or as added up exhibitor-by-exhibitor (according to the stand plan if this completely equals the space invoiced to the collective stand organiser). Multi-storey stand space is to be calculated as per the invoice.
III./ 2. Qualitative exhibition space figures
III./2.1. Contracted space
Contracted space as well as special show space can be broken down into
Indoor space - t.i. rented/built in exhibition halls
Outdoor space - t.i. rented/built in open area of the exhibition compound.
as well as
domestic (rented/contracted to non-multinational),
domestic (rented/contracted to multinational) and
foreign (rented to foreign entity incl. embassies etc.)
III./2.2. Total gross exhibition space
Gross exhibition space can be calculated also for gross area occupancy of the exhibition compound. Such data shall be communicated only by members in their capacity as exhibition centres.
III./2.3. Definition of indoor space: when exhibition space rented, contracted to exhibitors is in halls, tents, or similar: basically when visitor passes by between stands in covered environment.
III./ 3. Control of exhibition space data
The total net exhibition space is to be controlled on the basis of invoices and agreement documents (contracted space) and on the basis of the hall/open area occupancy plans (floor plans) of the organiser (for the special show space).
These documents shall give evidence to the qualitative figures as well.
The publishing of exhibition data must be undoubtedly clear in definitions and content.
Definition of the present Rules should be used only when fully complying with the content of this Rules.
In no case should number of visitors be mixed up with total attendance, nor gross exhibition space be indicated/made public in a way to create confusion by exhibition organiser.
For statistical purposes domestic exhibitors can be broken down by multinational exhibitors and non-multinational exhibitors.
„A multinational is an enterprise with substantial local operations in several countries. Generally, any company or group that derives an important portion of its revenues from operations outside of its home country may be considered a multinational. A multinational exhibitor is one representing a multinational company.”
Original agreement made in Brno, on April 24, 1997.
Last updated in Bucharest, on March 27, 2015.
VI. Enclosures
Audit Report input table 2021/I.
Audit Report output table 2021/I.
Chapter II. Hybrid exhibitions, fairs, events
(This Chapter intentionally relates to hybrid events bearing – or willing to bear – UFI Approved Event or UFI Approved International Event acknowledgement)
II/A. Definitions and procedures of Hybrid event (offering physical and digital components).
Hybrid event is an exhibition/fair where the organizer facilitates (under the same title) mixed physically participating exhibitors and visitors as well and where some exhibitors are physically not participating at the exhibition’s terrain, only use electronic virtual means to present their products, offers digital access for visitors to their supply / contacts and they rent the organiser’s special, dedicated virtual package for this type of participation.
Virtual visitors are those who do not participate physically the hybrid event, obtains online access to visit and makes at least one access to the event.
Visit counts as visit only if it happens during the declared opening hours (UFI says as “when synchronous interactions between visitor and exhibitor can take place”). That is when the virtual exhibitor can real-time communicate (eg. chat) with the visit.
II. B./ 1. Quantitative visitor data
Number of virtual visitors is calculated on electronic evidence – t.i. individual unique identifier needed
II. B./1.1. Paying virtual visitors
Number of paying visitors is established through financial evidence: number of sold virtual visitors tickets either directly to visitors or through purchasing agents and or by exhibitors.
Virtual visitors with season tickets (multiple access) are calculated as one visitor regardless the actual number of access.
II. B./1.2. Other identified virtual visitors
Persons accessing with free registration (having obtained online access by the organizer (or its subcontractor) can be counted as visitors only if evidence is available (t.i. individual unique identifier needed) and its (at least one) access is electronically verified.
II. B./1.3. Number of virtual visits
Total number of virtual visits is the sum of the total number of single visits (paid and unpaid), repeat visits are not calculated.
II. B./1.4. Total number of visitors of a hybrid event
When an organizer offers visitor the opportunity to attend both the digital and physical part of the event, counts should be provided as follows (separately):
i. those unique visitors who attend only the digital event;
ii. those unique visitors who attend only the physical event;
iii. If available, the unique visitors who attend both the digital and physical event;
iv. i.e. an unduplicated count of both sets of visitors (net visitor number).
The exhibition organizer may establish statistics for total attendance at the exhibition/fair. The number of total attendance equals to the sum of total number of visitors (B/1.4), plus the number of persons entering with physical exhibitor passes, speakers, media representative.
Virtual exhibitors also virtual speakers are strictly calculated as one attendee in this respect.
II. B./ 3. Qualitative visitor data
II. B./3.1. Internationality of visitors
International visitors can be broken down to number of foreign visitors at the physical event, and the non-domestic virtual visitors (ascertained by the individual unique identifiers)
II. B./ 4. Control of visitor data
Number of sold tickets are established on the basis of cash counter records of the organizer, the organiser’s proof of evidence on the electronic sales of tickets and the roaster of the virtual access permits (relevant individual unique identifiers).
Number of registration cards/vouchers of the physical event is to be established through actual count and recorded in relevant documents.
Number of revisits is to be established through actual count of the control slips and other documents or on basis of relevant report from the electronic entry system.
Number and internationality of the virtual visitors/visits should be established through detailed report of the organizer (and its subcontractor if any) indicating the access timing (within time frame) and nationality at the virtual visitors’ online registration.
Control of the qualitative figures should be performed through inspection of the evidences available - gate entry records, registration cards, visitor survey questionnaires and reports etc.
Financial records/cash box reports/relevant documents shall be subject to control by the auditor.
In case representative survey serves as base of qualitative data the auditor shall specify the method of it in its report.
II. C. Virtual EXHIBITORS (of a hybrid event)
Virtual exhibitors are companies, organisations, who physically not participating at the exhibition’s terrain, only use electronic virtual means to present their products, offers digital access for visitors to their supply / contacts and they rent the organiser’s special, dedicated virtual package for this type of participation.
Virtual exhibitors (or in mixed case the simultaneously physical AND digital exhibitors) – where understandably no space data, only number of exhibitors are to be calculated (duplicity should be avoided) – and in case of hybrid fair the data is to be added to the physical exhibitors’ number) (nationality as per application).
II.C. /1. Quantitative data
II.C. /1.1. Number of virtual exhibitors
Whoever rents an autonomous, separable and paid-up virtual exhibition package unit (a virtual stand) to offer goods and/or services in his own name for the entire duration of the exhibition/fair can be considered an Exhibitor - irrespective of the branch or product classification. The organiser of the exhibition issues an invoice on him.
When a virtual exhibitor separately rents also physical exhibition space (a physical stand within an exhibition) only counts as one exhibitor.
II.C. /2. Nationality
II.C. /2.1. Nationality of the virtual exhibitor should be undoubtedly clear from the application form sent to the exhibition organiser. The nationality of the exhibitor is the country which is mentioned in the application form.
Nationality of a domestic multinational company shall be registered under “multinational” as a sub-category of domestic exhibitors.
II.C. /2.2. Statistics on the exhibitors
The number of the virtual exhibitors can be broken down into domestic and foreign exhibitors.
II.C. /2.3. Multinationality
Within domestic virtual exhibitors the number of exhibitors can separately counted as multinational exhibitors and non-multinational exhibitors as sub-categories. (see classification/definition in Section V. of the present Auditing Rules)
II.C. /2.4. International exhibitors are considered as sum of foreign exhibitors and multinational exhibitors.
II.C. /3. Control of the exhibitor data
Exhibitor data is to be controlled on the basis of application forms, contracts, agreements, invoices and relevant computer printouts. These documents shall give evidence to the qualitative figures as well.
In case of hybrid fair the total exhibitor data is a combination of the physical exhibitors’ number and the number of virtual exhibitors.
The total number of participating countries can also be declared and where the country of the organiser/location of the event is also included as one.
Other statistics on available qualitative data can also be made public (like trader or manufacturers or loyalty of the exhibitors) but they should be subject of control and verification (statistics audit) beyond the present Regulation.
II. D. /1. Exhibition surface
Exhibition surface and stand data in case of the digital component of a hybrid fair does not exist. Therefore exhibition surface is calculated only for the physical component of the fair as per Chapter I. Section ÍII.
The publishing of exhibition data must be undoubtedly clear in definitions and content.
Definition of the present Rules should be used only when fully complying with the content of this Rules.
In no case should number of visitors be mixed up with total attendance, nor gross exhibition space be indicated/made public in a way to create confusion by exhibition organiser.
For statistical purposes domestic exhibitors can be broken down by multinational exhibitors and non-multinational exhibitors.
„A multinational is an enterprise with substantial local operations in several countries. Generally, any company or group that derives an important portion of its revenues from operations outside of its home country may be considered a multinational. A multinational exhibitor is one representing a multinational company.”
Original agreement made in Brno, on April 24, 1997.
Last updated in Budapest, November 22, 2021.
II. G. Enclosures
Audit Report input table 2021/II.
Audit Report output table 2021/II.
Chapter III. Virtual (or digital-only) exhibitions, fair, events
III/A. Definitions and procedures of virtual exhibition, fair, event (offering only digital components)
Digital-only or virtual exhibition, fair or event is an exhibition/fair where
- the organizer facilitates only virtual (online) means for ‘exhibitors’ to present their products,
- offers digital access for visitors to their supply / contacts;
- where exhibitors rent the organiser’s special, dedicated virtual package for this type of participation;
- access for visitors is organized via online registration;
- online access to the exhibitors’ exhibits is strictly via the digital channel established by the organizer;
- access for visitors is limited time-wise to predetermined, preannounced time frame when synchronous interactions between visitor and exhibitor can take place.
Virtual visitors are those who obtain online access to visit and makes at least one access to the event.
Visit counts only if it happens during the pre-declared ‘opening hours’ (“when synchronous interactions between visitor and exhibitor can take place”). That is when the virtual exhibitors can real-time communicate (eg. chat) with the virtual visitors.
III. B./ 1. Quantitative visitor data
Number of virtual visitors is calculated on electronic evidence – t.i. individual unique identifier needed
III. B./1.1. Paying virtual visitors
Number of paying visitors is established through financial evidence: number of sold virtual visitors tickets either directly to visitors or through purchasing agents and or by exhibitors.
Virtual visitors with season tickets (multiple access) are calculated as one visitor regardless the actual number of access.
III. B./1.2. Other identified virtual visitors
Persons accessing with free registration (having obtained online access by the organizer (or its subcontractor) can be counted as visitors only if evidence is available (t.i. individual unique identifier needed) and its (at least one) access is electronically verified.
III. B./1.3. Total number of visitors
Total number of visitors are sum of paying and other identified virtual visitors.
The exhibition organizer may establish statistics for total attendance at the digital exhibition/fair. The number of total attendance equals to the sum of total number of visitors (III. B/1.3), plus the number of exhibitors, speakers, media representatives registered for the event. (every exhibitor is just one attendee)
III. B./ 3. Qualitative visitor data
III. B./3.1. Internationality of visitors
The “Nationality” is determined on the basis of a visitor’s place of residence and must be stated on visitor registration forms with mention of the address abroad (individual unique identifiers). Foreign or international visits are those visits by visitors of places of residence other than the country in which the event takes place. The “country in which the event takes place” is that country which has the most visitors at the digital event. All other visitors are determined to be “international” visitors.
III. B./ 4. Control of visitor data
Number of visitors’ access is to be presented through detailed report by the organizer (or its subcontractor if any) on the registration and realized access indicating the access timing (within time frame).
Numbers of internationality of the virtual visitors/visits should be established through detailed report of the organizer (and its subcontractor if any) indicating the access timing (within time frame) and nationality at the virtual visitors’ online registration.
III. C. Virtual EXHIBITORS (of a digital event)
Virtual exhibitors are companies, organisations, who use electronic virtual means to present their products, offers digital access for visitors to their supply / contacts and they rent the organiser’s special, dedicated virtual package for this type of participation. (meeting conditions mentioned at point III/A.)
III.C. /1. Quantitative data
III.C. /1.1. Number of virtual exhibitors
Whoever rents an autonomous, separable and paid-up virtual exhibition package unit (a virtual stand) to offer goods and/or services in his own name for the entire duration of the exhibition/fair can be considered an Exhibitor - irrespective of the branch or product classification. The organiser of the exhibition issues an invoice on him.
III.C. /2. Nationality
The nationality of an exhibitor is determined by the address of the exhibiting company/organization as written on the contract with the organizer. In the case of an address not representing the true nationality of the exhibitor, the organizer may accept the nationality mentioned by the exhibitor on a self-declaration. A declaration by the Organizer alone is not acceptable. Where a doubt may exist about the nationality of an exhibitor, the exhibiting company’s/organization’s headquarters should provide a declaration stating that the subsidiary is acting on its behalf. To determine the national or international status of an exhibitor for an only digital event, when the count of exhibiting companies yields companies from more than one country, an “international” event may be occurring. The country from which the most visitors come shall be considered “national”; using the address of the exhibiting company/organization, exhibitors from that country will be declared to be “national”. Exhibitors coming from all other countries shall be considered ‘international”.
Nationality of a domestic multinational company shall be registered under “multinational” as a sub-category of domestic/national exhibitors.
III.C. /2.2. Statistics on the exhibitors
The number of the virtual exhibitors can be broken down into national and international exhibitors.
III.C. /3. Control of the exhibitor data
Exhibitor data is to be controlled on the basis of application forms, contracts, agreements, invoices and relevant computer printouts. These documents shall give evidence to the qualitative figures as well.
The total number of participating countries can also be declared and where the country of the ‘national’ established as point III.C. /2.1. is also included as one.
Other statistics on available qualitative data can also be made public (like trader or manufacturers or loyalty of the exhibitors) but they should be subject of control and verification (statistics audit) beyond the present Regulation.
Exhibition surface calculation in case of the digital fair does not exist.
The publishing of exhibition data must be undoubtedly clear in definitions and content.
Definition of the present Rules should be used only when fully complying with the content of this Rules.
In no case should number of visitors be mixed up with total attendance, nor gross exhibition space be indicated/made public in a way to create confusion by exhibition organiser.
For statistical purposes domestic exhibitors can be broken down by multinational exhibitors and non-multinational exhibitors.
„A multinational is an enterprise with substantial local operations in several countries. Generally, any company or group that derives an important portion of its revenues from operations outside of its home country may be considered a multinational. A multinational exhibitor is one representing a multinational company.”
Original agreement made in Brno, on April 24, 1997.
Last updated in Budapest, November 22, 2021.
V. Enclosures
Audit Report input table 2021/III.
Audit Report output table 2021/III.
- Written by Greg Nagy
Why joining? Want to be transparent, want to be reliable?
CENTREX is the major international exhibition industry organisation of Central East Europe. It was established to introduce/maintain transparent exhibition statistics based on international experience and practice – supported by statistics audit.
The members agree applying unified exhibition data of exhibitors, visitors and exhibition space - collecting, processing and presenting of these data. All the members stick to these categories and introduce them on their application forms, publications, press releases etc. (see Regulations)
Transparency also means that all members submit their statistics (after internally processed and prepared) for audit. The members may thus present only audited (authentic, transparent) exhibition data in their communication.
CENTREX means international
CENTREX maintains the international standard of statistics (updating of Regulations whenever necessary), regularly consulting it with other international organisations (is a member of UFI as well) and undertakes the joint publishing of a Central East European Exhibition Statistics Yearbook (of audited, thus transparent, reliable) exhibition data.
CENTREX is acknowledged internationally also as an independent exhibition statistics audit organisation and thus any data audited by CENTREX are also included into the pan-European Exhibition Statistics Yearbook. (EuroFair)
Beyond statistics CENTREX web-site offer a common platform for learning/promoting exhibitions as an efficient marketing tool – for all stakeholders of trade fairs: visitors, exhibitors and for the organisers.
- Written by Greg Nagy
10 Benefits of Centrex membership
- To belong to a professional CEE body /an exclusive club /pioneer who represent the interests of CENTREX members in CEE and worldwide which are: transparency, comparability, trustworthiness.
- Joint promotion of market transparency in CEE and worldwide (a tool of excellence) through operating common standards, strict auditing procedures and communication patterns.
- Key position in Central East European exhibition statistics brochure.
- Disseminating transparent, credible exhibition statistics data – base for USPs.
- Joint, unbiased promotion of trade fairs as a tool all over CEE according to our slogan ‘Exhibition Knowledge Provider’ which means to publish joint brochure through different media ‘Why exhibit?, organizing professional forums; titled CEEEF.
- Through CENTREX communication, promotion of the members can be doubled, tripled in Central East Europe and worldwide.
- Exclusive one-hand access to wide range of international knowhow, organizational and promotion materials (at members area)
- A friendly exchange of experience, professional debates.
- Joint promotion and research actions (like Global Exhibition Day or VIP Card initiative).
- Joint, international approach towards educational institutions, persons (e.g. Student Vision of Trade Fairs competition.)
- 10+1. Continuity.