About Centrex

CENTREX International Exhibition Statistics Union is the top exhibition industry organisation in Central Eastern Europe not only for promoting transparency, reliability and real market-value of exhibition statistics (her initial concept), but growingly also in promoting exhibitions as excellent face-to-face marketing tool in general aspect.

Founding members were leading trade fair organisers of the region: Brno, Poznan, Budapest, Bratislava.

Since the launch other important fair organisers decided to join CENTREX: now the membership includes Czech Trade Fairs Brno and Výstaviště České Budějovice, Hungarian Hungexpo C. Co. Ltd. Budapest and V-Trade Exhibitions Debrecen, Polish Poznan International Fair and Kielce Trade Fairs, Ukrainian Euroindex Ltd. Kyiv, Kyiv International Contract Fair and Gal-EXPO from Lviv, Romanian Expo Arad International and Romexpo s.a., Bulgarian International Fair Plovdiv.

  • Representative Tomáš Moravec CEO
  • Representative Corina Mares Managing director
  • Representative Valerii Pekar President
  • Representative Mr. Tomasz Kobierski Chairman
  • Representative Gábor Ganczer CEO
  • Representative Ivan Sokolov Chairman & CEO
  • Representative Volodymyr Ivanov Chairman
  • Representative Mihai Costris Executive Director
  • Representative Andrzej Mochon CEO
  • Representative László Vaszkó CEO

CENTREX also very active in the international promotion of exhibitions as marketing tool.

(See the Exhibition Knowledge Provider section)

The Union is deeply committed to enhancing the acceptance of exhibitions among business community and society in the region.

To achieve this the Union started to organise "CEEEF workshops" to focus to very timely topics both of the exhbition industry and certain branches of the industry, as well. (more...)

ufi logoCENTREX is active member of UFI and cooperation partner of other significant associations in the fair industry.

In 2013 the CENTREX audited 330 trade fairs and exhibitions, where 40,000 exhibitors presented their products and services. They have used 1.2 million sq. m. net exhibition space for their appearances and at these fairs the number of visitors exceeding 2.1 million.